I needed to figure out an nginx
memory footprint and it is inconvenient given it is one master and 64 children processes. So, here is the shell script (runs on Centos), which collects the data based on the pid file:
#!/bin/bash if [ -f "$1" ] then export THE_FILE=$1 export THE_PID=`cat $1` else read -ep "pid: " export THE_PID=$REPLY fi ps o rss,vsz p ${THE_PID} --ppid ${THE_PID} h | awk -v OFS=', ' '{ rss += $1; vsz +=$2; } END { print strftime( "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %z", systime()), ENVIRON["THE_PID"], rss, vsz, ENVIRON["THE_FILE"]; }'
One can run multiple of those adding output to the same log file for late processing. For example, my crontab
looks lile this:
1,16,31,46 * * * * /usr/local/bin/pm /serv1/logs/nginx.pid >> /var/log/mem_usage 6,21,36,51 * * * * /usr/local/bin/pm /serv2/logs/nginx.pid >> /var/log/mem_usage
The pm
is the script from above. It produces output similar to this:
2009.01.29 14:31:01 -0600, 27354, 10068, 150716, /serv1/logs/nginx.pid 2009.01.29 14:36:01 -0600, 27296, 96708, 821224, /serv2/logs/nginx.pid 2009.01.29 14:46:01 -0600, 27354, 10068, 150716, /serv1/logs/nginx.pid 2009.01.29 14:51:01 -0600, 27296, 96708, 821224, /serv2/logs/nginx.pid 2009.01.29 15:01:01 -0600, 27354, 10068, 150716, /serv1/logs/nginx.pid 2009.01.29 15:06:01 -0600, 27296, 96708, 821224, /serv2/logs/nginx.pid
The fields are: timestamp, process ID, resident memory, virtual memory, pid source file (if any). I think there should be a better way to do it. Please, comment, if you find one.
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